Success stories

Become part of our partner network

Offer your manufacturing customers a turn-key solution for Industry 5.0 that not only guarantees access to state fiscal aid, but also advances the continual improvement of production processes.

RETUNER re-tunes all machinery to the notes of Industry 5.0. Production plants that aren’t yet digitalised, all machines whether new or pre-existing, interconnecting them to the ICT system already in use in the company.

In addition, RETUNER offers the possibility of an ample range of digital services to help the operator at the machine edge.

Choose RETUNER and offer your manufacturing customers a cutting-edge digital solution.


Machine and industrial system builders

Importers and retailers of machinery

Automation component and systems suppliers

Management and technical software suppliers

Systems integrators

Manufacturing consultants




"Industry 5.0 Today" is our monthly newsletter dedicated to the innovation of Industry 4.0 and 5.0. We don't just share what we do, but we also gather opinions, trends, and news from all those who are involved in these topics. Subscribe to stay updated.