Sandeza and Orchestra: real-time control of production data


This is one of the many benefits of digitalization, and the dream of all entrepreneurs. To make it happen, it is necessary to connect the machinery and to make sure that it communicates with the company management systems, whether they are ERPs, MESs or CAE systems. At Orchestra, we take care of the interconnection of machines and plants and we enable them to exchange data with the company ICT. Thanks to a qualified network of ICT partners, we are also able to offer our customers the ICT solution that best suits their needs. Today we present ZProduction by our Partner Sandeza, a system that has a particularly innovative approach, focused on process optimization.

zProduction was born from a general vision of a company as a “system” of people, flows and procedures aimed at the production of goods.

On the market there are an infinity of heterogeneous management systems. Each of them tend to “start” from a very specific point of view, whether it is accounting, warehouse management, marketing or production itself. Not surprisingly, over time, these softwares have gradually become known as ERP software, MES, MRP, CRM etc etc.

However zProduction was born from an expertise focused instead on business and production processes. A manufacturing company must: acquire customers, manage resources and machinery, plan production and procurement, monitor production costs, ensure quality and traceability, map knowledge and skills and optimize and innovate its processes.

The philosophy behind this solution is to provide a “process” approach, the opposite of a solution based on a specific starting point approach, such as a department or specific unit. Instead, it proposes itself as a real “ecosystem” that facilitates and supports companies in a flexible but determined way to structure and organize its own processes. Identifying the production phases, the roles, the tasks, the expected goals become the steps and the content of a platform capable of being a true support to companies in their “digital transformation” path.

Another interesting aspect is that ZProduction is a system/product that is entirely developed and maintained in Italy, which is able to interface with companies’ existing information structures, software and databases, with which it can connect by importing or exporting data and information.

The collaboration between Orchestra and Sandeza works towards this goal: the data collected from the machines, properly normalized, is integrated into an organic vision of the process. In this way, the data becomes company information of  real value, essential for the optimization of production itself and more generally for profitability and business growth.


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Choose RETUNER and offer your manufacturing customers a cutting-edge digital solution.


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