In-depth analysis on the Industrial Internet of Things

December 12, 2023

industrial internet of things, retuner, industry 5.0

The Industrial Internet of Things – IIoT – enables the development, enhancement, and continual improvement of industrial production processes. Let’s explore how.

The Industrial Internet of Things represents the application of the Internet of Things in the industrial world. IoT is a technological process that allows potentially any object, through the network, to have a digital life connected to other objects, enabling the exchange of collected and processed information.

Consider, in daily life, cars with connectivity, the ever-growing development of home automation, or smart traffic lights. In practical terms, these are devices that, thanks to the Internet, communicate with each other to enhance our lives. There are no limits to the applications of these “smart objects,” and all of this can be applied in an industrial context.

Industrial Internet of Things: how it works

Through the use of the Industrial Internet of Things, every physical object involved in the industrial process finds its counterpart in the world of the Internet. Essentially, it is possible to monitor, manage, and improve the situation of our company through a series of devices connected to various stages of the industrial process.

By connecting intelligent objects – capable of identifying, locating, diagnosing, acquiring, and managing data – to an open and multifunctional intelligent network, the industrial process will be completely monitored and managed by the network.

In detail, there are three main areas of application for IIoT:

  • Smart factory: production and quality control, safety, maintenance, handling
  • Smart logistics: traceability and monitoring of the supply chain
  • Smart lifecycle: improvement of the new product development process and supplier management in new product development

The success of the Industrial Internet of Things

Allowing intelligent objects to monitor and improve our company is proving to be the winning choice for the future of large companies and SMEs. As revealed by a survey from the Italian Osservatorio Internet of Things, in 2022, large companies familiar with IIoT solutions are at 98%, while SMEs have risen to 87% – a significant leap compared to 41% in 2021.

This indicates that technological evolution is the right path for the definitive leap in quality for companies in all aspects: production, monitoring, study of future projects, and quality of work.

Image via Unsplash

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