Home working is good for the environment

April 14, 2020

Covid 19 is being studied from many different points of view, there is still much to be discovered on its nature and its effects on every area of our lives. One thing is however certain: the restrictions on mobility and human activity as imposed to prevent the spread of the virus, are beneficial for the environment.

In recent months there have been noticeable reductions in emissions of nitrogen oxide and the highly dangerous fine particles in the Po Valley.

(Source: ESA)

Researchers from Harvard have recently suggested that there may be links between air quality and mortality rates from CoronaVirus. Not everyone agrees, but many of us are wondering whether there is a link as the Po Valley is our most heavily industrialised area but also the area with the highest rates of contagion and mortality.

Although there are many hypotheses regarding post-Covid realities and analysts are split between optimists and pessimists, there is one point on which everyone agrees: we won’t be the same as before, we can’t be the same as before, and if we are sensible we have to be aware of this.

It will be increasingly important to employ development models that are resistant to pandemics or unforeseen, non-cyclical crises. It won’t be easy to identify and put into place actions that can govern the intrinsic complexities of our current economic systems but some tendencies have already been identified.

The necessity to adopt new working practices, particularly home working, is of primary importance. The isolation imposed due to the attempts to contain the spread of the virus have forced many to adopt this practice, discovering many advantages. Current obligations, forcing us to accelerate the adoption of remote working practice could give rise to new cultural norms.

As far as regards manufacturing, the digitalisation of enterprises, which allows the remote control of many company functions, combined with more automation and robotisation of production processes, will be the principal instrument for guaranteeing the health and safety of workers whilst making production processes more flexible in times of greater stress, whatever the cause.

All these elements already exist in a company development trend called Industry 4.0. Until now seen as a way of increasing production efficiency, however in the current climate Industry 4.0 becomes a way of ensuring healthy, safe and efficient work practises, for workers, for companies and even … for the environment in which we live.


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