A&T 2020

2020-02-12 | 2020-02-14


Orchestra will participate in the 2020 edition of A&T, the annual fair dedicated to the world of Industry 4.0 where great companies of the Italian industry, SMEs and Start ups meet.

Visit us at the Oval Lingotto, at stand E21 and H30 in the Spark Up Area!

Download your personal invitation here.


Orchestra and Sandeza, for the first time together, will present their digital solutions specifically designed for small and medium-sized enterprises. Thanks to a live demo, visitors will be able to experience the high potential deriving from the synergistic integration between Orchestra’s smart hinge 4.0 and Sandeza’s management platform. Together with Orchestra and Sandeza, Rekordata will also be present for a 360 ° offer of innovative solutions in terms of efficiency, automation and digitalization of company production processes.

Orchestra will also take this opportunity to present RETUNER, its new product brand for intelligent factories perfectly attuned to Industry 4.0!

Event Program

  • Mechanics: how to digitize and increase the value of production

// Panel discussion // February 12 – 2.30 pm // GLIZ Room

Paolo Cavallini, CEO of PlastorGomma, will bring his recent experience of digitizing the new production department of his company. Plastorgomma’s project is in the final for the Innovation 4.0 Award!

  • Meet Orchestra!

Pitch in the Spark Up Event: February 12 from 4.30 pm to 6.00 pm

  • The factory between reality and virtual

// Workshop // February 13 – 11.00 am // Competence Point Digital Hub Room

IAMCP Italia, the Italian Association of Microsof’s International Channel Partners, sits around the table with representatives of the academic world and of great system integrators who will bring their experience in the development of Industry 4.0 services through the testimonials of their customers


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